Community Supported Argriculture
Full Shopping Basket Share
Your investment gets you $420 of credit in our store. This is a great option for families or people who entertain a lot.
Half Shopping Basket Share
Your investment gets you $210 of credit in our store.
Shopping Basket Shares:
Over the years we have found that this option is the most popular by far. You establish a "line of credit" and we deduct your purchases throughout the season. With your share, you may come in at any time, choose what you want, how much you want, and when you want. You may choose from everything our farmstand carries.
Exceptions: Alpaca Products
Ideal Payment By April 30th
Your early payment generates operating capital for start-up expenses. These expenses include the purchase of baby chicks, seeds, supplies, fertilizers, etc. Your investiment dollars help get the farm off to a healthy start in the Spring.
Quarter Shopping Basket Share
Your investment gets you $105 of credit in our store.
Adopt-a-Chicken Share
You can "adopt" one of your egg laying hens for $100. This helps with the purchase of her food. You can come to the farm to get fresh eggs when you need them until your credit is used up. We do all the work, you'll get fresh delicious eggs from birds raised in a happy environment.